Finding a doctor--even when you have insurance--can be tough. Finding a great doctor can be even tougher, especially if you're dealing with a difficult diagnosis.
Here comes Human Practice. Connecting you with the best doctors within your network. I talked with Moses Hohman, co-Founder of Human Practice.
What we chatted about
Moses is a twelve-year software veteran and technical founder with a broad base of biomedical software experience. Most recently he was VP of Development at Bay Area startup, Collaborative Drug Discovery, where he was responsible for the technical direction and team as well as much of day-to-day startup operations.
He has been interested in health since he was a graduate student at the University of Chicago, when he led a student initiative to improve the student health insurance plan. He builds software because it can make the world a better place.
He also deeply enjoys the multidisciplinary nature of building software products, and brings to bear his experience from a wide array of fields, from computational physics to agile software development. Moses has a PhD in physics from the University of Chicago, and an AB magna cum laude from Harvard University. Connect with Moses on LinkedIn.
More about Human Practice
Their pitch: Human Practice is a site designed to help patients find doctors through people they know and trust.
At Human Practice, we want everyone to have health care information from trusted friends and family available at their fingertips. We leverage the power of social networks (currently Facebook and email) to bring real word of mouth online.
The personal connection between patient and doctor forms the basis of great healthcare. A good doctor-patient relationship is important. The doctor cares more about the little details, and the patient listens to and follows the doctor’s recommendations. We hope to help build and foster these human relationships.
Connect with them on @humanpractice on Twitter and Facebook.
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