Stella Fayman, also known as @StartupStella on Twitter, is the creator of a well-established series of startup events called Entrepreneur Unpluggd. From their website, "the events seek to create an intimate environment for entrepreneurs to learn actual lessons from actual experiences [of startups]."
Stella is also a member of the founding team at FeeFighters, the place where business owners can compare rates of credit card processors. In March 2012, FeeFighters was acquired by Groupon. Stella also blogs on startups.
Below are a list of questions asked:
How did you find a co-founder for Entrepreneur Unpluggd?
What inspires you?
Who is the most important mentor in your career?
What's your greatest accomplishment to date?
How do you measure your success?
Why did you start Entrepreneurs Unpluggd?
What are your next endeavors?
Click on the link below to here the entire podcast.
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