Thursday, July 12, 2012

10 Reasons Your Startup Should & Shouldn't Blog

Blogging (and social media) can make or break your tech startup. There are several things to think about when creating your blog, included below. We recommend blogging, though we know it's not right for everyone.

10 Reasons you SHOULD blog

1. Create a brand voice for your company

2. Have content to push to social media subscribers

3. Let your biggest fans know what's happening in your office & company

4. Publicize media content (like being featured on TechInspire.Me!)

5. Written, picture and video content all together = merveilleux!

6. Learn about what your customers are thinking; poll them!

7. Boost traffic to your website.

8. Increase your SEO rank by using keywords in your blog and attach to your website (ie.

9. Become a credible source of information online, and thus the thought leader in your industry

10. Boost your employees morale by empowering them to be thought leaders (they learn, blog and its a win-win)

Several reasons you SHOULDN'T blog

1. No one in your startup has the time to blog

2. You don't have a plan of how the blog could help advance your business

3. Your senior executives, "don't believe in social media"

4. You're not willing to dedicate time weekly to supporting your blog (technically)

5. You're in the middle of a re-branding process (or, align your posts with your process)

6. You don't know what your company would even write about

7. You're clueless about content marketing, and disinterested in learning

8. You're stealth and don't want to call out your business ideas

9. You don't want publicity (aka you're scaling too quickly -- if so, that's pretty sweet!)

10. You're way too awesome for the internet. I get that.


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