I, like many startups, am working today. While everyone else I know is drunk and flagrant, I'm studying, writing and creating. I wouldn't have it any other way, but I'm feeling in need of some inspiration.
Not to say you won't be barbecuing tonight or having you're fun. Just that if you're reading this post, you could use some celebratory encouragement.
What better time to motivate startups than with some 4th of July pictures? While these aren't, "I love America, it's such a rocking place for startups!" pictures, that doesn't mean it's not just as awesome. Below are some of my favorite pictures from across the internet to keep you hungry and disruptive.

Where they're from
- Thanks for this one from WorkingForWonka.com
- Thanks for this one from Babaloud.com
- Thanks to http://www.freeinspirationalquotes.info for this one
- Thanks to Thumbpress.com for this one
- Thanks to Fromupnorth.com for this one.
- Thanks Google for this one.
- Thanks to Buzzle.com for this gem.
- Thanks to http://postwords.com/ for shaking Shakespeare up with this quote.
- Thanks to Favim.com for this one. It should be a poster!
- This one is of Fromupnorth.com. Love the colors.
- Again, of Fromupnorth.com.
- More Fromupnorth.com. Love his recs.
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